The Challenge

In many industries sensitive date are at the core of daily operations. Lawyers, accountants and notaries immediately come to mind as do companies launching new products or services, to just name a few examples. Stakeholders just don’t want these data to sit in generic environments where it’s hard to track who accessed data and crucial security settings are not readily available or easy to forget. Moreover, standards like ISO 27001 and GDPR legislation as well as client requirements are pushing companies to be more careful when storing or sharing data.

Are you looking for an enterprise-level digital asset management system that allows you to securily share files with internal and external users and that allows you to control the environment in which this happens with a few simple clicks? Do you need a smart feature that allows you to check who had access to what and when? Would you want to make sure the tool you use has been fully pen-tested, sits in an ISO 27001 data center and still has all the flexibility and ease of use of a SaaS solution?

SecureDAM is the answer to your questions.

The Sollution


SecureDAM is fully penetration tested by CREST accredited ethical security testers on a regular basis. Your files are held in a known location within an ISO 27001 certified Microsoft Azure datacenter.You decide whether you need this to be a shared or dedicated server environment. For compliance with GDPR and other relevant legislation all data are stored on servers within the European Union. All data transfers are secured using an SHA-256 certificate with RSA encryption.

All user actions are logged and easily searchable using filters. If somebody accessed, added or deleted files or folders, you’ll know.


Regardless of whether you choose the shared or dedicated standard server option, you will always be working in the same user-friendly SaaS environment that is improved and enhanced on a regular basis.

SecureDAM allows you to add and remove users flexibly so you’ll only pay for the users that have been active for some time during a specific monthly billing period. You can cancel your subscription at the end of each month after an initial minimum duration of three months.

The implementation is quick and simple. All we need to do is spin up your instance, perform a few security settings and upload your logo.


If the standard solution doesn’t meet the requirements of your company, the platform can be completely redesigned and redeveloped according to your specifications.

Moreover, APIs can be built to connect SecureDAM to existing systems and to integrate the platform into existing workflows.

Click the Customization option below to get connected to one of our account representatives for more information.

"At the end of the day, the goals are simple: safety and security"

Jodi Rell

Some Visuals

Affordable Prices

€ 0

One-time set-up cost: € 50

Monthly server fee: €0

Monthly admin user fee: € 20

Monthly end user fee: € 5

Storage space: 100 GB

Additional storage space: € 5 per 100 GB

€ -

This non-standard option is available to companies that want to redevelop the solution to fit their requirements and workflows.

Get in Touch 

For general information please fill in the contact form below

Minderbroedersingel 13A, 6041 KG Roermond, NL

+31 (0)475 345681

Go to Legal & Corporate

Please find the legal and corporate documents here below.  Each link will give you access to the document in PDF format.

GDPR Privacy Statement

Cookies Policy


Company Profile